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Book Review: 'Twice a Quinceañera'

Sun, Nov 27, 2022 2-minute read book review


I appreciate the self-love theme that the writer tried to convey, but I don’t enjoy reading the book, just read for the sake of finishing and a reading club discussion.

The top review by elena in goodreads pretty much explains why I felt disappointed by the book. The characters are lack of flesh and blood, they are either good or bad. The whole story is tasteless and I could not feel anything or sympathize with any character. Most importantly, I am not convinced that what happened to the protagonist exhibits self-love. Breaking up with an ex-partner who does not adore you and ended up with a better and more caring partner? Quitting a job that does not respect you and ended up having your own business? Throwing a party to celebrate yourself and became happy thereafter forever? Everything worked out as you had hoped? Those are not impossible but more inks are needed to detail what has happened in between to make it reasonable. Self-love is not a panacea that heals everything or always leads to success. In my opinion, it’s a life-long process initiated and sustained by oneself that continuously supports us through the ups and downs in life. Be true and nice to yourself, and forgive yourself when you are not true or nice to yourself.

Though I don’t recommend this book, the author has many other good-reviewed books that you might be interested in reading.